Book Celebrations

Each student will be responsible for presenting 4 Book Celebrations this year (1 celebration per 9 weeks). Students will choose one chapter book that they have read during the 9 week period and present the book to the class in any manner they choose. We love the idea of celebrating the books that the students have read, and we are trying to make it fun- instead of the boring book reports that we all grew up writing!     
Purpose of Book Celebrations

*Allow students to show creativity and ownership as they present what they have read
*Give students an opportunity to respond to what they have read in different ways
*Allow students to expose their peers to exciting new titles
*Develop presentation skills
*Allow the students in the class to celebrate each reader and his/her accomplishments
*Encourage students to explore new mediums for presenting information

Take a look at this list of celebration ideas! Students can choose an idea off of the list, or come up with an idea of their own. Each child is unique, and we want the students to choose an idea that interests them.  There is a rubric attached so that students know what is expected of a presentation. A book celebration will serve as a project grade each 9 weeks, and students are responsible for signing up for a time to present. We expect that students will put forth a considerable amount of time and effort into each project, and that they will plan their projects diligently each 9 weeks.

Book Celebration Information and Rubric

Check out these awesome Book Celebrations from our class!

Nasim created a very informative poster on his book, Dinosaurs Before Dark.

 Benji used legos to create this 3D model of his book, Eyes on the Goal. Very cool!

Addison  read The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and made this unique timeline of Edward Tulane, and created a game for her classmates to play.

Tariku made a book that highlighted the main events from his book, The Secrets According to Humphrey. Very cool!

Jacob made this amazing project board to tell everyone about his book, Dinosaurs Before Dark. It was so detailed! Awesome job!

Carson designed a coloring book based on his book, Who was Benjamin Franklin? The coloring book was full of information and cool pictures. Super creative idea! 

Alex designed book marks to hand out to the class based on his book, Kubo. He also wrote a report about his book! The class enjoyed their new bookmarks! 

Kemi spent a lot of time in the technology lab preparing for her project. She learned how to use the 3D printer software and created a 3D swimming pool to explain a scene from her book, Mrs. Jafee is Daffy. She also brought cupcakes to share with the class to explain another scene! Yum!

 Zach made a diorama of the sinking of the Titanic, based on his book, I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic. Very cool!!! 

Emmie created a PowerPoint presentation based on her book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Good job! 

Michael made a 3D model of his book, The Box Car Children. He also brought blueberries, bread and milk for the students to eat, which represented the only food that the characters in his book had to eat. Very creative! 

Ava read Zane and the Hurricane and created this awesome poster board!

Dillon made a really cool diorama to go along with his book, Balto of the Blue Dawn

Tyler read The Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library. He created puzzles and pictographs using the names of the students in our class. What a creative and original idea! 

Gigi read Mummies in the Morning, another Magic Treehouse book. She created this awesome project board! 

Super impressed with Ryan, who wrote a poem about his book, Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing

Courtney made this creative diorama about his book, Bully Trouble. Awesome!

Payton got creative with her materials on this project board about her book, Balto and the Great Race