Friday, August 19, 2016

Congratulations to Alex Chidiac and Emmie Barber, our new Student Council Representatives!

We had a really good week!

We wrapped up our Map Skills unit, and we will begin our first science unit on Monday: Water and Weather. We will do a lot of fun experiments with this unit!

In math, we continued learning how to round numbers. We introduced a vertical number line, and students learned how to use benchmark numbers when rounding. 

We are learning how to close read non-fiction texts. We will learn several BIG QUESTIONS to ask ourselves while reading over the next few weeks. The first BIG question is, "What surprised me?". Students used sticky notes while we read articles and watched a few news clips to write down surprising facts that they learned as they were reading. Asking questions while reading helps us to engage ourselves in the text and think deeper about what we are reading about.

This week in writing we started learning about the 5 steps in the writing process. We modeled prewriting and drafting, and the kids began writing an informational piece about a family member. We will focus on revising, editing and publishing next week.