Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Today we did an experiment to change a liquid into a solid. We took Vanilla Coffee Creamer and changed it into ice cream!! We will have a quiz over the States of Water on Friday. Study guides will be handed out tomorrow, and you can download one below.

States of Water Study Guide

We finished A Long Walk to Water today! Students who are reading A Long Walk to Water were given a study guide for the unit test. Here is a study guide with the answers for students to study. Students who turn in the study guide with all of the correct answers written in by Friday morning will receive extra credit on the test! We did not announce this in class, so only blog checkers will be eligible! We will take the test on Friday. (Students who go to Read 180 did not read this novel.)

A Long Walk to Water Study Guide with answers

Tonight's Homework:
Math- pg. 65-66